Did anyone ever actually hatch an egg between the boobs?

that is the best question I've every heard!

I have no idea. I think it would be too cold there for them.
Too cold, but severely awesome.
I will say that most stories i've heard involved piped eggs that the broody hen had abandonded. So it was more keep em warm while they finish. That being said, I did have a chick hatch late, and due to my usual clumsiness i managed to break the bulb in the bator, so lil guy was kept warm in my fredrick's of hollywood while mr saddi ran to the 24hour walmart for a replacement bulb. Itchy! not recommended.
I'd be one to maybe try something like that...
but I'd be afraid of accadentally squishing it in my sleep or something...!! and what to do with it when in the shower(here kitty kitty, lay on this for 10 minutes!)?!! I think it would get too jummbled around! Who knows!!!? help with the logistics of it and maybe I'll have myself an expiriment!!
I have always questioned the tempurature thing. Because I know a hen inst very likely to keep the eggs at exactly 99.5° the entire time! esp in the dead of winter you would think things would be a little cooler right! heck 1° off might just make it hatch a little late right!!? hmmm... wheels are turning here!!!
I've heard of an old wives tale of keeping an egg in ones armpit until it hatches....but as to hatching one in the ta-ta's...nope never heard of it. Sure hope I'll never have to resort to that here. Poor wee little thing would freeze to death for sure! I don't have enough to keep myself warm, let alone a little chickie that needs to be kept at 100F !

Serrin, Former President and Founder of the IBTC (Itty Bitty Titty Committee)

To any and all Mods...if that needs censoring, be my guest! NO offense would be taken by me!
Just thought I'd toss it in there. Yeah, I know...I'm one twisted chickie momma!
I finished a cockatiel egg in my cleavage. The parents abandoned it after it started pipping. I had to go to work and so just popped it in. We kept little "Boobie" until he died at the ripe old age of 21.

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