Did anyone ever actually hatch an egg between the boobs?

After that entrance to the world how could he have been given any other name.

Great way to start the day
with a good knee slapper.
Yes last year some one here on BYC did it. but wrapped it
to keep it warm
while she showered or slept.
Cant find it either. anyone else remember?
Yes I heard she did do it successfully and she offered all kinds of things of what she did to keep them safe and secure, she did allot of planning. Last i heard they did hatch and all was great except the tiny feet scratching was uncomfortable LOL, But no Pic's of her inovative incubator were included darn LOL.

I followed that thread for quite awhile. If my memory serves correctly, i believe there was a hatch and i think the gal that did it was from Wisconsin and worked at Fort Snelling in Minnesota. Seems there was a lot of good humor that went along with the whole experiment. Seemed like a good-natured gal too.
I think there were a couple women doing it. I'm pretty sure the powers that be didn't find the thread appropriate and ended it.
I finished a cockatiel egg in my cleavage. The parents abandoned it after it started pipping. I had to go to work and so just popped it in. We kept little "Boobie" until he died at the ripe old age of 21.
Really? OMG I'm holding a cockatiel egg between my boobs right now. My Cindy has laid 2 eggs. She wants nothing to do with them. The first one she let fall and crack. I just found the second one on the bottom of the cage. Again she has no interest. I did what seemed natural. Warmth, moisture .....between the boobies. If this chick hatches I will be fxxxing amazed. Please help with any info you have. Thought I was the only crazy bird lady to think of doing this.

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