Did BYC get hacked?

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I have WHAT in my yard? :

That is what I suspected. I left it alone a while and it was oK when I came back. Does Nifty know?

I sent a site that gives detailed info on what it is and how to fix it to one of the admin/mods on right now and she was going to contact him.​
Not sure if this has to do with ANYTHING but my pms from BYC is going to my spam folder, and tthat has NEVER happened before. Does that mean anything?
I got the warning on Chrome too. It said something to to the effect that the site contained unsafe elements from cnjug.com. I clicked "Continue" and Norton Antivirus then also picked up on it and blocked it. It must have been one of the ads.
I got the warning on firefox.. my security stopped it and i get NO advertisements now... its a blank box with an X in the corner
Thanks for all the notes! I'm looking into it. Please, when you see it happen mark exactly which pad or thread and URL you are on. The last time this happened it was because someone was linking to a bad image.

Also note any ads or other images on the page.

The more info the sooner we can track it and remove it.
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