Did Diane Sawyer make anyone else mad this morning?

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This is a sad situation all over. The dog didn't maul or kill the baby- she took it into the woods like it was a puppy. It's sad because 1) the dog was left alone with access to a tiny baby [1] and 2) now people are screaming for the dog to be put down.
That's a hard one to answer. The dog obviously was protective enough of the baby to think it was her puppy. Think about that for a minute. No, she didn't know that it wasn't the right thing to do. Had anyone done any kind of training with the dog to prepare it for a baby in the house? Probably not. I hear these stories, and wonder HOW are the dogs supposed to know that their behavior is unacceptable? Everything from barking, to playing too rough to (gods forbid) killing the child is blamed On The Dog. Dogs can't rationalize that this thing is a part of the family and not to be chewed on. They see a small helpless mewling thing that really looks and sounds like either prey or a puppy.
Sorry, i'm off on a tangent.
I'm usually the first one to say that a dog should be put down for attacking. This wasn't an attack though. The dog was being protective, as misguided as she was. I don't know if I can say she deserves to be euthanized for that.

[1] No matter how long you've had the dog, how good she is, how old or young, a newborn (or any small child for that matter) should EVER be left alone in the presence of a dog. I still crate my dog or put him in another room when i'm not around, and my kids are 10 and 7. I'm not risking it.
I would like to know the same thing. If that were me I would not want to talk to Diane Sawyer, heck I probably would not want to talk to anybody.
I think they're so surrounded by people and they're so dazed they just talk to anyone and answer anything. The media are vultures, and they're easy pickins; Don Henley was so correct in his assessment.
One thing we did before we brought our babies home from the hospital was bring home one of the blankets our baby was wrapped in so the dog/s could smell and get familiar with a new person in the house.

When I came home my dog was SOO happy to see me but I said hello without getting her too excited and called her over to sniff the baby and said, "nice."

Don't know but it worked for me.
This happened in my town.

What I want to know is why no one heard the baby crying. Who has a 4 day old baby and does not notice it shrieking hysterically as it's carried away by a large dog????

When my daughter was 4 days old, I listened for her every breath. I can't imagine not noticing the dog carrying her off.

I also don't think a dog being gentle and treating the baby as a pup would cause collapsed lungs and 100 puncture wounds.

The family said themselves that their dog had a tendency to find objects and carry them off to the woods. Huge red flag! I just don't understand why they left the baby so unattended or how in the world they could not hear the poor babe crying as it was carried away.
I would like to know the same thing. If that were me I would not want to talk to Diane Sawyer, heck I probably would not want to talk to anybody.

Perhaps to warn others of the possibility that it could happen to them.

Her question was in poor taste.

As to why he may not of heard it, what if he was in the shower or doing laundry? Newborns are not that loud. The puncture wounds - have you ever lifted up a puppy? They have very very tough skin, we humans are delicate creatures, especially as newborns.

We all tend to think that these things can never happen to us, but bad things can and do happen every day. It's a terrible tragedy, and easy for us to sit back and say "they should have done this, they should have done that". I think they know that all by now.

If something like that happened to me, they would find me in a padded room banging my head against the wall. These people need compassion. Diane Sawyer was a vulture and way out of line.
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But the lungs weren't collapsed at first, I'm sure it could cry at some point!

I just watched the video and the father said they were down in the kitchen for 2 minutes making a list of what they needed to do to baby proof the house.

So how did the dog grab the baby and run without them noticing? Were all the doors open--to the baby's room and to the outside? It just doesn't make sense.
I also want to point out that in an interview for the paper they said they were getting ready for a baby shower while the baby was taken from the crib. In the video link the father says they were downstairs for 2 minutes making a list of how to baby proof the house.

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