Did Diane Sawyer make anyone else mad this morning?

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Good point! When I was listening I was thinking how can you be on TV. We have a case down here where a baby was found dead in her crib full of rodent bites. She was 3 mths old. I do not know if we just have to many people in the world or the media just loves the neg.
How sad. Those poor parents... I can't even fathom the grief. As a new parent, I can say that I feel totally comfortable leaving my child in his crib. In my mind, that is a safe place for him. I'd imagine that's what these parents were thinking.
However, I do not let dogs in my house.
I don't watch much tv so thanks for posting the link. It reminds me why I don't watch tv... Never did like Diane Sawyer.

But I see you have a Clydesdale, You are ssssoooooooo lucky!

When I brought my newborn son home I laid him in his basinet and my black lab went nuts until I laid him on the floor for her inspection. I did not hesitate to give her my son and I would never, even after seeing this story, worry about her with any children. All dogs are wired different, I hope everyone remembers that.
If that's the case and the baby wasn't in ear shot, they how were they caring for it? Why would you leave a 4 day old preemie out of ear shot? Know what I mean? It just makes me angry. What's done is done, but I am still kind of appalled at that interview with the father. If that were my husband (and for some reason he did an interview, I don't think he would) he would be crying hysterically instead of sitting there straight faced.

The interview was uncomfortable to watch. Partly because of the dad and partly because of Diane Sawyer. The part where she asked if they would let any other dogs stay in there house was just odd. There was a long awkward silence.
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is it negligent if a snake slips out of the top of it's enclosure and suffocates an infant while the rest of the family is asleep? That family is facing criminal charges. How is a dog any different?
it was a horrible incident. i'm kind of guessing that the dad was trying to head off any kind of prosecution????

but for the record - this is why you have to be the boss of your dog!

Diane teased this story by saying the dog would grab loaves of bread off the counter... um... so baby unattended.... dog who doesnt understand boundaries.... not really sure what they thought was going to happen but its a bad combination!

lets all hope for the best for the baby
It's awful, to say the least. Diane Sawyer is the LAST person on earth I'd want to talk to if anything tragic happened to me. Why they chose her and keep her is beyond my comprehension anyway. Compassion? Forget it. Not from her.
Because being on T.V. is important!
More important than anything!!!

Do you realize that those unfortunate morons featured on Cops actually sign wavers to allow the broadcast of their arrests and they are not compensated. We are a nation of media **ores (word rhymes with s'mores).

I question the dad's decision to speak to the media, but I am sorry for him all the same!
I think the problem is that people get confused by the line between being a loving pet owner and anthropomorphizing their animals. I love my dogs and consider them a part of the family but I realize that it is important to always remember that even though they can seem almost human, they are not. They are predators by nature and the fact that they are affectionate and respectful towards my family and me has more to do with dominance hierarchy than emotion.

As for those poor parents, yes it does sound a little strange. Then again, I have never been around a preemie and perhaps it is different. Do they cry as much/as loudly as a full term baby? I know that sometimes their little organs aren't quite as vigorous as full term babies. Anyway, anyone who is a parent must know the horror of what they are going through, no matter how strange the circumstances, and I think it is just plain evil to try to add to that pain.

On a side note, scbatz33, I didn't see that Brad Pitt interview but the point I was trying to make is that she seemed like a genuinely nice person. Maybe that is why people like Diane Sawyer give better interviews...because they don't care.
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I think Anne Curry is wonderful, I saw the Brad Pitt interview, didn't catch anything wrong, and it was suppose to be light and not "deep", even if they did talk about New Orleans, and all the good he has done. He even said and I can't remember if it was in that particular interview or another one she did, that its a shame his celebrity status is what made the organization so successful. I can't stand Diane Sawyer . . .and the dad had to be not thinking straight to even go on TV. Surely he had some idea of what people would think . . .I feel sorry for them regardless. It sounds like the dog wasn't being "vicious", thought it was a toy. . .so probably threw poor little thing around quite abit. . . but it was pure negligence on their part for not either shutting the door, having a monitor, or keeping the dogs outside. . .this is not a win-win for anyone. How is the baby, I haven't heard anything late today?
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