Did I almost ever mess up!!!


12 Years
Oct 8, 2007
Northwestern South Carolina
When I found this forum I first decided I'd just get a couple of bantam to raise to see what chicks are like, despite the fact that I live in town. 14 bantams arrive from Ideal right around Thanksgiving. Kept reading the post here and decided to build an incubator, "just to see if I could." I'll wait to spring to hatch anything, right? NO! just to test my new homemade incubator, think I"ll try to hatch a few button quail--first batch of eggs the thermostat went haywire and I had to discard them. Pretty down with the whole process but got another batch of eggs after I reworked the thermo. Saturday evening Dec 17 6:30 pm I put them in and started my countdown. Again I had problems with temp spikes but this time I let them stay in incubator since I had nothing else in mind. According to my calculation they should hatch Jan 2--which came and went. Yesterday morning I happen to walk by the incu and notice the temp reading of 103 so without looking I just turned the thing off and walked out. About an hour later my wife woke me up YELLING "you've got a baby!!"
Sure enough there in that 70 degree incubator lay one teeny-tiny quail chick almost not moving!! Plugged bator in and as it warmed so did the chick!! 2:20 am today I have 7 total and more coming.

Just a side bar on this. We needed this assurance that life continues in our family yesterday. My 12 year old grandson was accidentally shot by his father the day after Christmas and there is no hope for recovery, we're just waiting. Small, seemingly insignificant, things like tiny eggs coming to life do so much to comfort at times like this.
Great experience. Gives me some hope that 1st timers like myself will have a chance of not totally mucking it up either! Good work and well done!
I am sorry but I cried when I read your post. Not only about eggs and hatching but about life.!!
My wishes and hopes are with your grandson...
I hope that he recovers and the doctors are wrong, because sometimes they are.
Lots of love your way

Wow Gessie my heart is with you. I was excited for you when I started reading your post then I just sank. I hope your little babys are vibrant and healty. I guess we should all learn to never give up hope......
So sorry to hear about your Grandson. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and especially his father/your son? I can't imagine how he must be feeling.
So sorry to hear about your grandson and my prayers go out to you and your family.
Maybe the quail that finally hatched is God's message to you not to give up hope.

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