Did I blow it by sitting in coop watching?


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
My 20 week RIR is very noisy lately. This morning she was in and out of the nest box kicking the pine chips around and making a circle. I was watching her the whole time taking pictures. Did I blow it by staying in the coop snapping pictures??? Gyspy went outside and I left the coop. I keep checking, but no egg. Maybe tomorrow will be the big day! She's been squatting for a week and looks to be egg ready! I hope I don't cause her to be egg bound by being so nosey.
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Whew! It sounds to be any time now. The other 2 girls don't look ready yet. It's been a long 5 months.
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Especially with new layers, it makes you appreciate your eggs more when you see what they go through to lay them...lol. I always thought it'd just be as easy as pooping for a chicken to lay an egg, but there's a lot of straining and effort involved. As you can tell, I sat (coaching...lol
) my girls many times during those early egg laying days.
If you have a group of hens, you will see them taking turns coaching the one struggling. I didn't know that until I was working on the coop and one of the girls was in the box. The others kept going in and out of the coop and clucking at/with her bawk, bawk, bawk BAWK! bawk... breath, breath, breath PUSH, breath. Took her about 2 hours, but the hens stayed w/ her the whole time.
The social order and interaction is what got DH hooked on "my chickens". He now does more than half their care, speaking of which it is bed time.

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