Did I inadvertently sentence my chicks to drown?!


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Cocoa, Florida
I'm so upset today. This is my first time hatching. I scoured the internet researching beforehand, carefully purchased my bator and chose it's location in the house, and have been enthralled watching the embryos' development by candling.

After all of that, I only realized when I took the egg turner out of the bator, that I had inadvertently placed the eggs in the pointy side up position! I knew not to do that!!! I don't know why it took me so long to realize it! I'm on Day 19. Did I sentence all my chicks to drown? I guess this was a lesson learned too late. The kids and I have been so upset. Do any of them even have a chance since they're turned the wrong way?

Please forgive the newcomer her stupidity:( I appreciate your replies.
They still have a chance
Lay them on their sides and let them hatch. All you can do is wait now and let mother nature take over. I don't think your hatch rate will be as good, but not a total loss either....

ETA: Please don't be too hard on yourself. We have all been there and done that.... it's a learning process and sometimes we learn from our mistakes
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I think you and the kiddos can relax. Just reach in there as quickly as possible and turn them the right way. How long have they been upside down? How many do you have in the incubator? Which incubator are you using? Still air or circulated? Those two issues might have a bit of bearing on your final results as well. If you have an air circulated unit, mist the eggs with a spray bottle of distilled or sterilized water before you start turning them right side up. This will help to assure that your humidity stays up there while you have the incubator open, and thereby hopefully lessen the impact of having it open during lock down. Good luck and keep us posted when they start hatching. And posting pictures of the new fuzzy butts is REQUIRED!!!
I did that by accident my first time... As soon as I realized it, I turned them right side up, and still had a very good hatch rate (they were shipped eggs too!!). Good luck!
I have a still air incubator. I have a total of 15 eggs in there, 13 confirmed embryos by candling (the last two eggs are a very dark olive and I can't tell, I think maybe I can see some veining in one of them).

I used an automatic egg-turner and placed the eggs pointy side up. They remained this way until I removed the egg-turner yesterday, Day 18:( The eggs are now on their side and I tried to position them with the large end slightly more elevated than the pointy end. Now in lockdown. I guess all I can do now is hope for the best and try not to shed too many tears. My DH has been very supportive, but doesn't see why I should be so upset. It's kinda hard not to be, when you candle them and realize that you're holding a new life literally in the palm of your hand. Alright here I go, getting all mushy again! Thanks for the advice and support:)
If chicks can pip on the wrong side of the egg and still make it out...if chicks can rotate to put themselves in the right position...I'd say most, if not all, of them still have a chance. Don't lose hope! You'd be surprised what those little chicklets can do!
Yes, chickies can be pretty tough and you may be surprised how many you get - laying them on their sides is your best bet. When I lay them down to hatch I've used the tops of the foam egg cartons. It keeps the yucky stuff from going thru the mesh and getting everywhere when they walk thru it. Fingerscrossed for ya!

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