did it really move


11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Durham, CT
Day 18 and we just moved the 6 remaining eggs off the turner and put them back in the incubator. My hubby swears he sees one rocking. Is it too soon or is he seeing things.I thought I saw it move too. Does this mean they'll be hatching soon?
Def not to early to see them moving!!! Yay, sounds like you will have some sweeties within a few days!! Congrats!!!
I've had rocking at day 18...even pips. We keep our incubator in the bedroom...one night we heard cheep cheep cheep on day 18....DH and I sat straight up in bed at 2am. How exciting for you...give them time....DO not OPEN the bator....resist the urge!

Pictures when they hatch please....

Enjoy them!
cool. We have some pics of the 2 week old ones we got as day olds but cant fugure out how to post. I guess we have an issue with the size and I am not computer saavy enough to know how to do it.

I can't wait. OMG this is worst torture.

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