Did my gander do this?


Overrun with ducklings :)
10 Years
May 27, 2009
A few days ago I noticed a small cut on the gooses head but didn't think much of it. I assumed she may have scratched herself on a piece of wire in their old pen. The new pen has no loose wire to get caught on. I treated it with perioxide and neosporin and it healed up. This morning I went out and found this:


There are no puncture marks, it just looks like the feathers were pulled out and took some skin with them. I am new to geese, these guys are my 1st pair. Do you think my gander did this to her mating?
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So do I sell the gander? Would the goose be happy living with the chickens and ducks? Do you think he would behave himself in a larger flock with an older male. They were July 2010 hatches.
I don't really have the space for more geese
They are both walking the fence lines trying to get to each other. I feel bad having them seperated.
Yep ganders grab whoever they're picking on there, on down to the tail if that's all they can reach on a rapidly retreating victim.

And they pull feathers out too.
Ducks have the same problem with the drakes pulling their head feathers out. They don't mean to do it, but get a little overzealous sometimes.
I agree that he might outgrow it just like roosters are a little rough in the beginning. You might try putting them together every week to see how they do.

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