Did we get what we paid for?

Thank you! We spent extra money for females and we just wanted plain old brown jumbo couturnix not color variations so we will not be doing business with this particular breeder again.

Why can't people do honest business anymore☹️

We actually love to cook rabbit in the slow cooker with cream of mushroom soup so I can imagine we will love quail in cream of mushroom soup
Stealing this idea 💡
That sounds friggin AMAZING!
It's soooo goood! This is some that I made with quail quarters. It was so good I even ate most of the bones.

Jeez these sound amazing! All these recipes are gonna be super helpful because part of my new years resolution was to get into shape...because round is a shape!
When you hatch more, maybe you could try this one! 😁 or possibly just scale down the recipe. I’ve been meaning to try it myself.

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I keep seeing that recipe. I also keep meaning to try it one day, but I never have orange juice.

Wait... The roommate just bought a big bag of cuties yesterday... She's perfectly willing to share her food since I use it to cook things that she is perfectly willing to eat.

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