Did you ever get the feeling no one is listening?


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Coleman, Wi
I don't know if I'm being too over sensitive, but when I first started posting, I was getting replies all the time to everything. Now it seems that nobody wants to talk with me. Am I asking too many questions or are they just stupid questions?
Don't worry, some of us just either pass by because of repeated questions and don't feel like typing it all over again, or some do not know for sure. Easter is a busy time for some of us that have family and friends to visit and spend some time with. Once that is overwith, we will come back on line again!
Don't worry a bit... I'm quite used to the feeling, it's why I never imagined a thread I made would be on Page 18

I'm usually preoccupied with my regular threads and wait until things have quietened down before I check out new ones.
Do you have a specific question?

I was out most of the day. Helping a friend move and mowing.

Imp- I'm sore and not going anywhere soon.
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What they said....

I noticed a lot of times my threads go unanswered too, but then I realized I needed to do "searches" before posting any new questions because chances are that it has already been asked!

I try to go to the unanswered threads and help people out, but I just miss a bunch of them because there are so many!
I know the feeling. If I answer a thread, either it dies or no one answers for days.
Regardless of that, I like BYC and don't plan on leaving. This is the longest I've ever stayed on a site.
I'm sorry that you feel that way...

It happens to us all...
if i dont get a response to my questions, i just nag folks till they respond...
What...did you say something?

Nah, it happens to us all! But tonight....it is a very slow night it seems. All the threads I follow have been silent....you think I wore them out???


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