Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Did you know my oldest son nearly gave me a heart attack when he ran up to a baby seal on a beach and hugged it when he was about 2-3 years old?

All I could think was "dear lord, please don't let the mama seal be close by."

did you know I've never seen a seal on a beach in Texas?
Did you know my oldest son nearly gave me a heart attack when he ran up to a baby seal on a beach and hugged it when he was about 2-3 years old?

All I could think was "dear lord, please don't let the mama seal be close by."
no, o my, thats crazy but i bet the seal was super cute


did you know I've never seen a seal on a beach in Texas?
post #3412


You could have changed it before posting! :tongue :bun

did you know that sucking on elbows must be a baby thing?

No. Did you know that I used to do it to my husband? :lau

no, and it tasted a LOT like spaghetti sauce, it was gross
why were you not here like an hour earlier 

no, did you cut it? did you know i love the color?

I'm never where I should be. :confused:
My hair is apparently the best part of me. I did not. Circle K was right.

see if you can find a Yorkie poodle cross, we have had two poodle cross dogs, don't want anything else, petfinder.com

Did you know that they have not found me a pet in ... Six years? Cat, dog, reptile or farm animal.

did you know my Dr. wanted me to count backwards from 100 by 7s to see if my brain could still function

No. :pop How did it go?

Did you know that the seals have started having their babies and that little fuzzy white seals are all over the beaches? :)

How did it go?
did you know, I passed?
Did you know that one of my hens smells like cat urine? I have no idea why, it is the most offensive smell when you pick her up. She has always smelled that way.
Does she take dust baths in the litter box?


did you know, a person has questionable sanity, if they don't like coffee?
I like coffee but haven't had any in almost 2 years.
I guess I drank enough for 40 years to keep me sane for a while.


Did you know i LOVE cabbage?
I do too. We always had it 2 or 3 days a week.

This is the hen i a m so proud of her. That she ever make it.she was shin and bones went i got her.she was so week she just few over went dhe try to stand. Now look at her. And she lay anther eggs today.

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