Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Supposedly not; but that never stopped moi from doing it.
Did you know that while I've never hit my oldest, when he was talking back to me the other day about putting fresh hay in the nesting boxes, telling me "there's still some left" I picked up a switch and counted to three. I was so fed up with him telling me all the reasons he WOULDNT do something instead of just going "okay" mom.

He ran across the yard screaming "mom's gone insane, mom's gone insane."

Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I told him if he didn't get his butt out there and do what I told him to do, I'd let his sister shoot him with her pellet gun in the butt.

did you know I feel no remorse for that, AND my nesting boxes got fresh hay?
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Did you know that while I've never hit my oldest, when he was talking back to me the other day about putting fresh hay in the nesting boxes, telling me "there's still some left" I picked up a switch and counted to three. I was so fed up with him telling me all the reasons he WOULDNT do something instead of just going "okay" mom.

He ran across the yard screaming "mom's gone insane, mom's gone insane."

Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I told him if he didn't get his butt out there and do what I told him to do, I'd let his sister shoot him with her pellet gun in the butt.

:lau Sorry, but that's hilarious....
Did you know that while I've never hit my oldest, when he was talking back to me the other day about putting fresh hay in the nesting boxes, telling me "there's still some left" I picked up a switch and counted to three. I was so fed up with him telling me all the reasons he WOULDNT do something instead of just going "okay" mom.

He ran across the yard screaming "mom's gone insane, mom's gone insane."

Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I told him if he didn't get his butt out there and do what I told him to do, I'd let his sister shoot him with her pellet gun in the butt.

did you know I feel no remorse for that, AND my nesting boxes got fresh hay?

Lol!!!! What a mommy moment!!!!!!! Did you know if I'm out with my kids and they misbehave I yell, if your mother was here!!!!
Lol!!!! What a mommy moment!!!!!!! Did you know if I'm out with my kids and they misbehave I yell, if your mother was here!!!!
Did you know that I threaten my kids with "do you want me to text your father? I'll text your father, don't make me tell your dad."

For some reason, they are absolutely mortified if I have to text their dad about them acting out.
If I read any faster my eyes may catch fire.
nope, read faster

Did you know that while I've never hit my oldest, when he was talking back to me the other day about putting fresh hay in the nesting boxes, telling me "there's still some left" I picked up a switch and counted to three. I was so fed up with him telling me all the reasons he WOULDNT do something instead of just going "okay" mom.

He ran across the yard screaming "mom's gone insane, mom's gone insane."

Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I told him if he didn't get his butt out there and do what I told him to do, I'd let his sister shoot him with her pellet gun in the butt.

did you know I feel no remorse for that, AND my nesting boxes got fresh hay?

Lol!!!! What a mommy moment!!!!!!! Did you know if I'm out with my kids and they misbehave I yell, if your mother was here!!!!
how does this work for you?
It actually doesn't stop the behavior but it makes me laugh.
My kids are *usually* well behaved in public.

My oldest is the instigator that causes 99% of the problems... so he doesn't get to go if he's not on his best behavior or his dad's not there to help. It's easier for me with 3 kids under 5 alone, then my 1 12 year old. LOL

Although, my 5 year old has had a couple of epic tantrums when I used the "wrong cart" a couple of times.

Did you know I ignored her, until she punched me and then I picked her up, dumped her in the cart, then stuck a 50lbs bag of dog food on her lap... and she was so shocked about the bag, she shut up.

Did you know that my 2 year old says "shut up" to people when he doesn't want people to talk? That's because my 5 and 12 year old fight and tell each other to shut up all the time.... and I didn't care enough to correct them, since they don't do it to other kids, just themselves....

Did you know my 2 year old will also stuff his fist in your mouth to shut you up if you ignore him?

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