Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Did you know that I was injured by my husband's mother?
Did you know that he is still in town,

He has the ability to help.
did you know the more I hear about your "dumbband" and his family, the more I want to kick him in the shins.
the dog or husband?

did you know that my sister worked in the cloud forest in costa rica for awhile?
Santa Elena or Monteverde? What did she do there?
Did you know I worked with Scarlet and Great Green Macaws there? About 150 of each. It was so deafeningly loud.

did you know the more I hear about your "dumbband" and his family, the more I want to kick him in the shins.

It's the binding protien in wheat. (easiest way to explain it) many oats and all rice, are naturally gluten-free. Flour is typically what people think of as containing gluten- but some oats, barley and rye also have gluten protiens.

It causes inflammation of the bowels, which can lead to symptoms such as siezures, auto-immune typie issues where the body attacks itself, or even the destruction of the bowels, due to the sensitive/allergic reaction.

Edit : some people have traditional hives/lung issues/allergic reactions, but for most - it's an internal reaction that is usually irritable bowel type symptoms, and can also cause fibro-type symptoms, headaches, and many other over-all body problems.

hahaha! Did you know my husband has bought me at least SIX pairs of boots in the last year and a half?

That's a lot of boots. I got her black and purple knee high Muck boots last year.
Did you know she wants mid calf this time?
I told her I was going to get her snowshoes.
Do you think we could take turns kicking him?

Did you know that I wish there was a way to travel through tunnels and get to each other's homes quick so we could for real sit down and have coffee together or just chit chat and help each other with the stuff that needs doing???

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