Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Is that a SL polish?

It is a young one, they get uglier as they get Older.

SL has to be one of the prettiest pattern on a bird, bettered only by the double silver laced.

Blue laced red is pretty cool too. This was a pretty hen

my mother in law said I'm unreasonable because I said my teen had 25 per week, to budget for whatever he wanted from the grocery store... her first reaction "that's a horrible present".... I bought him 200 in art supplies for his actual present, and want to start teaching him about budgeting and financing.... 

Wow! I got $2.50 a week. I think if I wanted more, I had to do actual work at my mom's veterinary clinic. I got somewhere around 2-3 dollars an hour scooping poop and cleaning exam tables between patients, feeding, sweeping, sleeping in the barn with critical case horses or in the clinic couch for cats, goats, sheep or dogs that could ICU indoors.... My favorite? Cesarian sections! Especially puppies, because the veterinarian focuses on saving the mother's life. Everyone would get a puppy to save ( depending on how it went) and your job is to wake it up and make it cry out so it would breathe.
my mother in law said I'm unreasonable because I said my teen had 25 per week, to budget for whatever he wanted from the grocery store... her first reaction "that's a horrible present".... I bought him 200 in art supplies for his actual present, and want to start teaching him about budgeting and financing.... 

Wow that would have been WAY too complicated for us and just resulted in grief.

Does that mean that he has his own fridge?
What happens if he spends it all on string cheese or candy- does he get no cereal or bread or milk for the week?
Wow that would have been WAY too complicated for us and just resulted in grief.

Does that mean that he has his own fridge?
What happens if he spends it all on string cheese or candy- does he get no cereal or bread or milk for the week?
He'll be shopping with his dad. His dad will be helping him figure out what stuff costs, and budget meals.

He'll still be eating with us, and until he can prove he can shop solo - he won't be allowed to fill his cart with junk. We weren't just handing him money and walking away. We were going to give him a budget, and help him start meal planning for himself for the week.

He already is limited on cheese, and other stuff, because he'd eat 20 dollars in cheese, in one sitting, which is why I was hoping, to teach him the value of budgeting groceries. ;)

And, we tried a separate fridge for crap and that's how the rats got into my mini fridge... so after ruining a 200 dollar fridge, I was hoping this would help him understand why we put limits on quantities.

edit : We get over a dozen eggs per day, we always have corn tortillas on hand, and we milk our goat, so we have milk that no one pays for.

With that said, yes, we did talk to him about buying a 7 dollar package of string cheese, and if he eats it all in 2 days, he doesn't get any of ours, or more until the next week. We've already been buying him stuff like that for a couple of years, but now he'll be responsible for paying for it with a budget, and understanding the store part of it, not just what's in the fridge.
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my mother in law said I'm unreasonable because I said my teen had 25 per week, to budget for whatever he wanted from the grocery store... her first reaction "that's a horrible present".... I bought him 200 in art supplies for his actual present, and want to start teaching him about budgeting and financing....
thats a great idea!

Wow! I got $2.50 a week. I think if I wanted more, I had to do actual work at my mom's veterinary clinic. I got somewhere around 2-3 dollars an hour scooping poop and cleaning exam tables between patients, feeding, sweeping, sleeping in the barn with critical case horses or in the clinic couch for cats, goats, sheep or dogs that could ICU indoors.... My favorite? Cesarian sections! Especially puppies, because the veterinarian focuses on saving the mother's life. Everyone would get a puppy to save ( depending on how it went) and your job is to wake it up and make it cry out so it would breathe.
Cool!! i wish my parents had been more interested in animals when i was little!!

He'll be shopping with his dad. His dad will be helping him figure out what stuff costs, and budget meals.

He'll still be eating with us, and until he can prove he can shop solo - he won't be allowed to fill his cart with junk. We weren't just handing him money and walking away. We were going to give him a budget, and help him start meal planning for himself for the week.

He already is limited on cheese, and other stuff, because he'd eat 20 dollars in cheese, in one sitting, which is why I was hoping, to teach him the value of budgeting groceries. ;)

And, we tried a separate fridge for crap and that's how the rats got into my mini fridge... so after ruining a 200 dollar fridge, I was hoping this would help him understand why we put limits on quantities.

edit : We get over a dozen eggs per day, we always have corn tortillas on hand, and we milk our goat, so we have milk that no one pays for.

With that said, yes, we did talk to him about buying a 7 dollar package of string cheese, and if he eats it all in 2 days, he doesn't get any of ours, or more until the next week. We've already been buying him stuff like that for a couple of years, but now he'll be responsible for paying for it with a budget, and understanding the store part of it, not just what's in the fridge.
You should take in consideration the nutrional needs of a teenage boy! They change dramatically until you get a tornado that swallow all your fridge by age 16-17! I was like that and so my son.
He is almost 19 years old very athletic and sportive young man (5% body fat!) That can eat 1 kg of sirloin in one go!
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You should take in consideration the nutrional needs of a boy teenage! They change dramatically until you get a tornado that swallow all your fridge by age 16-17!
I force him to eat fruits and veggies, I also make him eat whole wheat bread, and protien sources like nuts and peanutbutter.

I'm pretty anal about him eating healthy and high calorie, specifically so he doesn't eat me out of house and home on top roman and hot dogs lol
You should take in consideration the nutrional needs of a boy teenage! They change dramatically until you get a tornado that swallow all your fridge by age 16-17!

I force him to eat fruits and veggies, I also make him eat whole wheat bread, and protien sources like nuts and peanutbutter.

I'm pretty anal about him eating healthy and high calorie, specifically so he doesn't eat me out of house and home on top roman and hot dogs lol

Are you a vegetarian?

It is a stupid question because you mentioned hot dogs! :lau
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Try to give him some nice meat dishes he really want them, that will cool him down, the urge for meat in this age.
We eat a lot of meat, I was planning on him being included in dinner, and eating whatever we cook - but if he wants "extra" stuff, that's where his budget comes in.

For what it's worth, we spend about 1200 a month on groceries, specifically, because we eat a lot of meat, cheese and other stuff... so his 25 dollar budget is on top of our normal budget... we've already been buying him stuff, but we want him to start figuring out how to make things he likes last more than a day, and understand why I won't go to the store a day after I went shopping, to get more string cheese, if the kids go through 24 of them in a day. ^.^

We all go with out when the kids eat like that. Our younger 3, are pretty good at self regulating and making stuff last. My oldest never has been - so it's been unfair that he eats whatever he wants and the younger kids go with out, so this way, I'm hoping he'll have his own stuff and learn to value and appreciate stuff.

And if not, oh well, it's only 5 more years before I can force him to start paying rent. :p

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