Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

I prefer the term "misunderstandings".

You can call an elephant a mouse, but it's still an elephant...

Dyk that I used to gloat that I don't have grey hair... Until my hair turned chrome over 24 hours?
Thank you, Duckling.
i have oodles of greys, and its very obvious with brown hair

Nothing as long as I continue to send all the gold and precious metals I find to Governor and Mrs. Rockefeller-Dayton no one will mention a little evasion of the law...
not illegal until you get caught

not illegal until you get caught

My Grandpa said some laws were meant to be broken...

It is hard to figure which ones, But i have it down pat now.

When I was "young" my friend's mom said to her (about me) "That girl just learns the rules so that she knows how to break them"

I considered it a compliment!!! :D
i have oodles of greys, and its very obvious with brown hair

The contrast between my almost black hair and the white hair I have is so obvious. I think it might be better if my hair were turning grey instead of white.

Dyk that I used to gloat that I don't have grey hair... Until my hair turned chrome over 24 hours?
Thank you, Duckling.

Pic or it didn't happen!

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