Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

I really hate summers here. The heat, the tourists, the snakes, no leisurely family walks, the snakes, trying to keep the animals alive, the snakes, the ants, & above all, the snakes.... Did I mention the snakes?
DID you know those are the reasons I love it here.... Heat, Tourists, Snakes.... Been in the desert all my life so know the coping part. Walks are done in the evening You dont poke your hand into places you cant see... Let the dogs come inside... Tourists are just fun to watch...

deb Hi Everyone :frow
I'd be "that tourist" that kept getting into pickles because they had zero knowledge of the area. :oops:
thats why they are fun to watch... too many clothes or not enough... Waiting for the light to turn green before turning Right... Taking copius pictures of the ICEplant is pretty but very common.... Stopping and pointing...


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