Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

Instead of using your hands and earning it... call a tv lawyer and get the money YOU deserve. Car accident.. bumper scratched? Call 1 800 ask gary... get the money you deserve...
Hub and I have not caused a single accident in over 30 years... Our insurance rates are thru the roof. Thanks Gary!
I could not agree more with this ...have a good one..
I could not agree more with this ...have a good one..
I did apologize previously... It's just that when my generation was wet behind the ears, " rich man went to college, a poor man went to work. Now it is a different world. Working class only have jobs at pizza hut, burger king, save way. Now we don't need to fill those positions anymore.
What is left? selling drugs on the street for a living.
Sorry Ralphie.. xoxo
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Did you know i am a quilter? Here is one i made for SIL in Canada:
Did you know Super Hub got the broken off crankshaft bolt tapped out and got the Cherokee back on the road? Now I can pull a trailer again? Feed store runs in a Buick Sedan for a month really was getting old.
Do you know how much crankshaft bearings and piston rings cost? I wish I didn't have to know. Free labor.. thank goodness.

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