Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

So what did you want to tell me? Oh i decorated this...
Did you know we just received and paid our Utility Bill?
:wee$101.78!!!! :wee
Barely 100 bucks for Electricity for 2000 sqft!
No Heater needed..
No Air condition needed..
no gas bill.
well water/no garden hydration needed.
No brooder lamps..

Very Happy Camper right now. Our bill in the Summer can exceed 265 bucks easily.
"Our Heat System".
Did you know I have a story to tell that was 2 decades in the making?
The story starts off 23 yrs ago. My son was 3 yrs old at the time. We lived on the other side of the County and it was semi suburbs. Our house was located on a road that cut across between 2 separate busy and populated areas and when we first moved into the house was when my son was born. That was 26 yrs ago.. Anyway, 3 yrs later the area grew and our small side street became a high speed cut thru for non residents to fly down our road as a short cut. The speed limit was 30mph for residential but you know how that goes.. Nobody cares about speed limits. My son would be out in the yard with me, playing with his cousins and such while 55 MPH traffic was roaring by.
We called the county and asked for signs put up. The County at the time says it is more than the cost of the signs, but maintenance and bla bla bla.. They did nothing. So DH went to a scrap yard and bought us signs! Used but warning signs are now up!
2 steel posts and 2 signs that simply said.. SLOW.. CHILDREN AT PLAY.
Not saying it slowed people down but at least it made some people aware children live on that street.
NO THANKS TO OUR COUNTY. I think posts and all were less than $50..

We have friends who still live on that road. Right before Christmas the road was repaved and all the signs were replaced by our wonderful County 23 yrs later.
When they plucked our signs up to up grade the road, they trashed them. Our friend grabbed one and gave it to us for a Christmas Gift this year..
DH mounted it on a gate to our Goat Paddock.
20171226_182355 copy.jpg

23 yrs later.. A blast from the past. Happy Holidays!
I know mine are..:)

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