Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

DYK I go back about once a year a listen to that.
One of the funniest things EVER
There's one that's just as funny, if not more so. It's about this guy who's on the way to work & gets held up by an accident that has traffic blocked, and he's calling his boss to tell him he's going to be late, giving him a blow-by-blow of everything happening in front of him...little old blue-haired lady, standing about "4 foot nothing", beating the snot out of the other driver with her Bible.
I've no idea who the artist is, or the name of the album, but it's flat-out hilarious. I just heard a piece of it again last night on George Noory's "Coast To Coast AM" show.
DYK I rely on bookmarks to follow this page. I see new posts once again. Went back to my alerts summary page. Closely read all alerts and not a single alert for this thread. Even when I click un-watch thread and then watch thread. Tomorrow will be using my bookmark again to come see you guys.:p

DYK my fireplace doesn't like damp wood?:rant

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