Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

I don't have to worry about this factor anymore..
385652_380386911981374_286497618036971_1241833_900461176_n copy.jpg
We are gearing up for our spring sales! the chicks are in our local stores once again.. time to compete for a piece of the pie.

Also Did you know?
We bought some long yellow things yesterday.
You're not old enough to remember when those things were 10 cents/lb; I am
We have a Restaurant food distributor close by that discounts overstock and scratch & dent. We buy cases of long yellow thingy's for $5 each. Big cases. The chickens and pigs tear em up.
Did you know we went there the other day and got this stuff?

200# rolled oats
100# rice
50# pinto beans
150# bread crumbs
odds and ends like fresh carrots, case of nacho chips and 1 gallon of nacho cheese, green peppers/cukes etc..
$31 U.S.
Only burden is storage.

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