Did you know..... Chat Thread! W/ Hosts: DwayneNLiz, kwhites634, BantyChooks, MotorcycleChick, C

So (sew), Deed Yew Know?..
Doooom Oz, tripped over a 12 gauge aluminum juice wire carrying a 50# wiggling pig/in the dark/running from a protective Sow ready to clamp down on a human skeleton, landed on his right hip, upper thigh and stretched the screws in his foot bone from last years surgery.. incapacitated, huggin' the beast (&) refusing to let go of said bacon slab attempting to win first prize at the greased hog competition...:idunno
Even though said Doooom Oz built a lock & dam gate system and escape proof. So the engineer of said escape proof gate system has a pig bite from forgetting said bacon bit can't get away. The Needle teeth have been gone for a little bit.. thank the Pig Gods..:bow

Said Doooom Oz is needing an X-ray of his screws because said Doooom Oz's foot looks like a mango w/toes.
Did you know we just got back from relaxing and now relaxing too much is now over and out!:lau

Did you know I just made a premium renewal on our insurance 3 weeks ago?:th
Did you know Dooooom Oz cost me green backs this morning at the Dr.?
He be wrapped up now..


DYK my chickens are archeologists? Finished the runs to our breeder shack and let the prisoners out for a run today. Scratch, dig, scratch, dig.

"I stepped on a pop top, blew out my flip flop. Cut my heal, had to cruise on back home".
Jimmy Buffet​
DYK I have a pic of the pig that kicked DH's bum bum.. actually was a trip over a hot wire but still..:lau
That boar in the middle. Weened off moma at almost 60 lbs. We leave the little ones on milk until they are rejected from the sow. Giant growth spurts by doing this. Gloucestershire/Berkshire offspring.
Did you know Dooooom Oz cost me green backs this morning at the Dr.?
He be wrapped up now..

View attachment 1269709
DYK my chickens are archeologists? Finished the runs to our breeder shack and let the prisoners out for a run today. Scratch, dig, scratch, dig.
View attachment 1269706
"I stepped on a pop top, blew out my flip flop. Cut my heal, had to cruise on back home".
Jimmy Buffet​
But did you ever find your lost shaker of salt?

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