Didn’t get all the Bumble foot out


Apr 20, 2018
San Jose, CA

So the day before I went out of town, I noticed bumble foot on one of my hens. It was small and flat. (About size of pencil eraser.) I usually check them all every couple days, but hadn’t in a week.

I followed someone’s non-surgical approach. It was a lot harder then some of the videos showed me. It stemmed rather deep, even though the scab was flat and area WAS NOT puffed out.

When I lifted the scab there was heathy tissue on one side and yellow hardened stuff on the other.

I got as much as I could out, but still some hardened yellow stuff behind. It did not smell. And no sign of puss.

I sprayed Vetericyn and dryer it. Then packed it with newsprint and cotton ball. Wrapped in gauze and water proof tape.

She is walking around on it just fine and still eating and laying eggs.

I am going to check it today to see how it is healing.

I did get Prid, that was going to put on it and rewrap it.

Anyone leave behind some of the bumblefoot before? What was the outcome?

Do you think it would be ok to pack wound with Pride, if wound it still open?

Thank you in advance.
You shouldve gotten all the infection out the first time. If I were you, I'd soak the foot in warm epsom salts water for about 20 minutes to draw up the infection. Then squeeze the heck out of the footpad while manipulating it at the same time to get all the infection out. Use tweezers if necessary to dig out all the infection. You are dealing with staph infection. If the infection makes its way to the legbone, it quickly spreads throughout the system and there's no amount of antibiotics that can save your hen, death will occur.

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