Bumble foot cured with homeopathy


In the Brooder
Aug 31, 2019
I just wanted to share my joy in curing my hen with bumble foot using homeopathy. I wish I had thought to photo document it.

We just had our second experience with bumble foot. The first hen we had with it, sadly had to be euthanized. I was super worried when I saw it in my young layer. She had two classic black spots on the pad of her foot, and a very large swollen, red mass protruding from the top. I really don't like the DIY surgical option as it just seems so painful and cruel. I have used homeopathy for many years for my family and pets with great success...but, I know what a booger bumble foot can be.

I immediately started my hen on a combo of Hepar Sulph Calc 30c, Arnica Montana 200c, and Silicia 6x. I diluted in water and then added it to every water dish for the flock, daily. It took about a week before we saw the infection begin to come to a head out of the top of her foot. After two weeks, the pocket broke through the skin and began to ooze out. At this point I also started spraying her foot with a combo of DMSO with Chlorine Dioxide every night as she was roosting. I continued with the homeopathic combo for a month. After the initial oozing stopped, the core of the bumble began to make its way out of the wound like a nasty, long worm. It took about another two weeks to work itself all the way out, so about a month total of healing and using homeopathics.

Today, her foot looks completely normal. No wound, no swelling, no limping, nothing! What a praise! Homeopathy is truly a miracle medicine. I hope this can help someone else who might have to face this in the future.

This is amazing. When I saw the title, I thought this was going to be about the use of those pool noodles as it seems that's becoming a semi-popular "cure" as well. Pretty neat though to know another less invasive way to try cure bumblefoot. I'm a huge proponent of using drawing salve like PRID, but I think when most people realize their chicken has bumblefoot, it may be too late for much other than minor "surgery." I guess it depends how bad and advanced it is as to which approach we could take. Thanks for the informative post!
I am so interested in trying this with my roo. I've been working on his feet for weeks. Can you tell me where to get those vitamins/herbs please?
I sure hope you have great success with using homeopathy for your roo. Homeopathy is different from herbs and supplements. Homeopathics are real medicine, just in a different form than pharmaceuticals. It is a pretty complex thing to try to explain quickly and easily. If you just want to try using the protocols I used, you can order them online...two of the dispensaries I use most are Washington Homeopathics and Helios Homeopathy (Helios is in the UK). Just remember that healing with homeopathy is very safe and gentle, but can require some patience. It took a full month for my hen to experience healing. I pray for your success!
Thank you for this info! I just recieved my supplements in the mail. When you say you diluted it before adding to water, how much/many tablets would that be that you initially used to dilute? Thanks again for your recommendations.

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