Diffences Between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas

Ameaucanas have a distinct full tail. Aracaunas, don't. However, they are both EE.

Thought I had seen every possible spelling of Ameraucana over the past 35 - 40 years, but that's a new one. No, Araucanas and Ameraucanas are not easter eggers. They are recognized as breeds and have specific descriptions according to the APA and the ABA. EE's do not.

I got them the first Saturday in April. So they are around 13 weeks old....not laying eggs yet.....but soon. My EE is Maxine. My Buff Orpington is Patti, and my Barred Rock is Laverne. Laverne is the friendliest of the three.
My lazy bums Thelma and Parker are 25 weeks old and still not paying the rent! Little mooches.
I had three sister EE's from the same hatch that reached POL at different times:
6 months, 7 months and 8 months.
Since then they have been consistently good layers: reliably 5 times/week+, average egg 60 - 75 grams.
The last to reach POL has the jumbo eggs which are typically 75 grams; her eggs range from 69 to 79 grams.

Good things may come to those who wait.

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