Diffences Between EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas

First one yes, 2nd could be Ameraucana or EE, 3rd is a possible EE, 4th looks like a Jersey Giant. You will know for sure when you start getting eggs.
thank you they are all still a little young, the oldest is the grey bird she is 6 months but no eggs. Others all 15 months. I look forward to laying day to solve the mystery.
thank you they are all still a little young, the oldest is the grey bird she is 6 months but no eggs. Others all 15 months. I look forward to laying day to solve the mystery.

Actually, the "grey" bird looks like a blue Ameraucana. It is hard to tell from the lighting in the pic. If she has brown or red feathers in the neck area, I'd say EE. If she only has dark grey/black feathers in the neck area, I'd go with blue Ameraucana.
Actually, the "grey" bird looks like a blue Ameraucana. It is hard to tell from the lighting in the pic. If she has brown or red feathers in the neck area, I'd say EE. If she only has dark grey/black feathers in the neck area, I'd go with blue Ameraucana.
Need to take into consideration skin color as well. White skin on the bottoms of the feet mean Ameraucana is likely. Yellow skin on the bottoms of the feet is a sure sign of Easter Egger.
I'm going with blue americauna based on that info thanks



What breed are my birds? I was told the white one is an arucana but it lauds lays green eggs. It looks like it has blue feet but I guess they could have a hint of green. She has some muffs and I'm not sure her skin color.

I was told the rooster is a lavender arucana too. I was going to breed them. Can you please advise me of what kind of birds I have?
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What breed are my birds? I was told the white one is an arucana but it lauds lays green eggs. It looks like it has blue feet but I guess they could have a hint of green. She has some muffs and I'm not sure her skin color.

I was told the rooster is a lavender arucana too. I was going to breed them. Can you please advise me of what kind of birds I have?

Are you in Europe, Australia, or US? Here in the US we'd refer to them as ameracauna, americauna, or easter eggers. It might help to look up what the European breeders club says. I'd lean toward European standard aracauna but I'm not sure about the egg color specifics for that standard.

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