Difference between free range and organic chickens?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 9, 2009
Hi all,

Me and my OH were wondering what the difference between a free range chicken and organic chicken that are egg layers? our chickens have a bark chipped area that they can scrat around in and get to go for a wander on the lawn too when we are around there for an hour at a time. Thanks
Organic simply means that the birds are fed organic feed. Free range should mean that the birds have room to act like chickens!
Organic = all organic feed, no medicated chick starter, and no antibiotics.

Free range = room to roam. Not sure if they actually have to be "free range" or if it can just mean they have a large pen.

In theory, you can have certified organic chickens kept in battery conditions, and you can have non-organic free range chickens.

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