Differences EE, Ameraucana, & Araucana * Pls post pics*

I have three Ameraucanas, a blue hen, a white hen and a Blue Wheaten Rooster. I also have some chicks,, one of the chicks is a mille fleur color? She is colored the same as our Mille Fleur D'Uccles, but they are all in seperate pens, not even next to each other. I will post pics when I get them. Oh, and the chick has an undercoating of blue. Really wild looking chick,,she has the beard and tufts.
Back to the difference of EE, Ameraucana and Araucana. The EE is a bird that is say 1/2 Ameraucana and 1/2 any other breed or it is a bird
that is 1/2 Araucana and 1/2 any other breed. Say we breed a Barred Rock rooster to several Black Ameraucana Hens. The eggs hatch giving us a mostly chickens with muffs and beards that are very well cuckoo barred, with pea combs but have either yellow shanks or a very light gray
with some dark splotched shanks. These are still EE's, but except for shank color and cuckoo pattern they appear as perfect Ameraucanas.

Ameraucana varieties were at one time EE's. They were developed in this country from stock from chile and american breeds. Cross breeds! However they have had years of loving tender care from dedicated breeders that worked to develope the 8 varieties of Large Ameraucanas of today. The Brittish did the same with birds from chile but call all of them Araucanas, tailed or not. The A.P.A. and A.B.C. make it difficult to get
new varieties accepted ( check with the A.P.A on how todo so). The average breeder or person couldn't do it.

My believe is that any flock that breeds true to type or color 50% or more of the time is not EE. It is a non- sanctioned variety of the Ameraucana breed. It will remain so till someone with unlimited time and money will run with it.

Breeder of Black, and Blue Ameraucanas, a few whites, buffs, wheaten,blue wheaten and cuckoos.

Here are my chicks. They were bought from a feed store tub that said "Araucana Pullets"...I know they are probably EEs. Anyone have chickens that looked like these as babies? I'd love to see how they may turn out!





They were less than a week-a week ago- when I took these, I'll post more recent pics soon.
A couple of my EE chicks look similar to yours. That one with the blue in it will be awesome i think. You must post their pictures agian when they get bigger. Here are a couple of my EE girls. You just dont know what they are going to look like when they get big, but boy do they all turn out so pretty. Your babies are BEAUTIFUL.

Here is Chocolate Orange Truffle as a baby. She looked kinda like your one EE with the orange on her head.

At 10 weeks old.

Here is Blueberry as a baby

At 10 weeks old

The little white one with black going through it is Oreo

Oreo at 10 weeks old

Cream Puff as a baby

Cream Puff at 10 weeks old

I have five 23 week old EE's and after i seen the colored eggs they laid i bought 4 more EE's which are shown above. Im hooked on the EE's.

The little light brown egg on the end is from my SLW, the rest are from my EEs', Which started laying at 17 & 18 weeks old.

This chick is about 51/2 weeks old she was sold to me as an "Araucana" what do you think?
I'm confused by all of it, I also have amerucana chicks that are 4 weeks and 1 week. Yeah went alittle overboard. But they are very cute.

She doesnt have much of a tail I dont even think it is one.
Cream puff is gorgeous!!!!! she is to die for....lucky you. Here are my two girls...the EEs...






JEWELS lays the huge blue egg, while sunshine the smaller one...
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