Differences EE, Ameraucana, & Araucana * Pls post pics*

That's not necessarily true. We have a shelter rescued EE hen named " little mama". Starting from the time when we got her two years ago up until the beginning of her last laying cycle...all of her eggs were green. Then towards the end of her last cycle, her eggs started to lighten. Now all the eggs she lays are a pale blue.
I have three Easter Egger Pullets, I love them!!
Granola and Goose:



That is a good point. However, what you are witnessing is not really a changing of color. It is very common for egg color to lighten as hens grow older. What you are actually seeing is the brown being removed from over the underlying blue. It is the brown over the blue that gave the egg the greenish tint.

This would be similar to a more dark brown egg turning a lighter tan as a hen grew older. In reality the color of th egg is still brown (and actually white with brown overlay) but it is a lighter shade of brown.

God Bless,
I am having gender issues as well. See what y'all think.

The smaller of these babies are from Cree Farms eggs. The two bigger chickens are from the Gardner lines.

I really think this one is a boy, but I'm purely guessing based on his face being redder than the others. So, a blue roo?


A black pullet?

A splash roo? maybe sort of?


A different splash, also gender flexible. I'm hoping it's a girl as her markings are growing in really pretty.
Hi, I am curious. Where did you get your information on the Ameraucana? You list some statements about their origin and history that I have not seen before.

To my knowledge the origins and history of the Ameraucana is not known for sure. The most complete History I have found is on the Ameraucana Breeders Club site. I am intrigued by such information and I bet there are a lot of folks with the ABC that would love to have a detailed history on the origins of the Ameraucana.

God Bless,
its been combination of sources i have some listed on there and i have also done alot of personal research when i started with the breed so i cant say im an expert but i know the difference and there are some links on that page as well to key items to wikipedia for more explaination
I see. Well, I would just encourage you to communicate with John Blehm or one of the other ABC Directors should you uncover some verifiable, factual information on the breed that is not listed on the ABC Site. I could almost guarantee they would love to hear about it.

Based on my own personal research, I'm not sure anybody is ever really going to be able to tell us fully how the Ameraucanas came to be but there are two people within the ABC that I plan to try and have a long chat with when both of us can find the time.

One word of caution if I might, I would be careful about using Wikipedia as any kind of reliable source of information.

God Bless,
What are you talking about? Of course that's a color change. If her eggs are no longer green, then they're no longer green. The underlying reasons for the color change is irrelevant.

Are you referring to Maran eggs? If so, then the lightening is just a temporary thing. Once their cycles start anew, then their eggs are always dark again. It's the same thing with our Penedesenca hens.
I think I made myself pretty clear as to what I was talking about. I just reread my post and it seems pretty clear to me.

No, I was not referring to Marans. Marans is not my breeds so I cannot be dogmatic about that specific breed but in general as hens age, the darkness of their egg coloration diminishes.

God Bless,

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