Different aged chicks?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
I bought chicks at a feed store. They get chicks every Thursday and I'm pretty sure some were last weeks and some were this weeks. At least some are twice as big as the others. Is this a problem, or will it become a problem? They all seem to have plenty of access to food and water. Some bullying, but not a lot. Thanks.
As long as the older ones aren't picking on the younger ones you should be OK.

We had three older ones last year who did pick on the younger ones a little Once the older onces hit four weeks, they got kicked out of the brooder until night time.
I got two girls four weeks and one at two last Saturday.
I was worried about the little one getting picked on but once I got them in the coop and started watching them I noticed the little one was pecking at the eyes of the big ones. She earned the name Biache' for that.

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