Dig proofing run


Herding cats
Jan 19, 2021
I am planning to build a run made out of metal poles it will be 10 feet by 7 feet.
My problem is the back will be right up against a fence and the left side will be against a tree stump bush thing, there is no space to put a wire skirt and we may not be able to dig very deep.
any ideas of how to dig proof it?
The only predators we have are foxes and rats.
I've used super-sized rocks. You can also secure wire over the ground by using tent stakes-adding oversized rocks will help even more. Electric fence works well in this situation, too.
There is no space to put anything back there,
It will be fence then wall of run.
I did the apron skirt but I also did hardware cloth under my run but I didn’t dig, instead I built my run on top of concrete blocks that held down the hardware cloth I laid. I then filled the run with sod, dirt, and sand.
Don’t think I have anything to put the run on unfortunately.
It's not ideal to put hardware cloth on the bottom of the run but if you can dig down a little to bury it and then raise the height of the floor level further it may be enough - I'd imagine it would need to be at least 12" and you would have to keep it level as the chooks will definately dig in it.

Anything digging in will have to start behind the fence I'd imagine - how deep are those concrete fence boards buried?

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