Digger vs. Coopers Hawk = Hawk misses


10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
I kept my girls cooped for 10 days after losing Tigger, our little 2 mo. old cockerel. He was hatched and raise by Digger, a blue partridge Marans.

This morning it was snowing hard and I hadn't seen the hawk in a few days so I let the flock out to roam. About 1 pm myself and DH are sitting on the couch eating lunch and see a hawk fly within a few feet of the window, very low and headed for the back porch. I rushed out and it left.

I immediately herded everyone back in the coop and noticed Digger missing. After some looking I found her in a hole under the house foundation. Even the best treats would not persuade her to come out. I used a stick to persuade her and she made a beeline for the coop.

Thank heaven it tried for her and not my gimpy RIR hen Boldy. Digger is very fast on her feet, and maintains little hidey holes all over. Whew.

Guess I better get working on their new and bigger run...
Great story! Glad she is ok!! I just lost my first baby to a hawk this Sunday. I guess losing chickens to hawks is pretty common. I wish I knew what to do to not lose another one!
Sigh - keep them cooped or in a run with a roof or cover of some kind. I like to put a roof on - it helps with the winter mud

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