
body fluids leaking
Well, I was feeling really down and depressed just now and then I read this! Anne, you never fail to have me rolling on the floor
Thanks, darlin'!

I told you to warn me before you make me laugh this hard - I've had 3 kids ya know!
I always set traps in the coop storage area. One time I caught 3 at one time. 3 babies. Sometimes I get some caught by their little legs and I just knock them in the head. I never have killed any other animal in my life and never like it but those nasty things make me sick. They are not cute and they can spread disease and get into the feed.
Ewwww... I can handle a lot of things, but long dead animals is not one of them!! I can handle large lacerations on an animal (or myself) and be fine, but a oozing dead animal, fuhget about it!!

Them and moldy food/milk. Makes me puke almost everytime. Eww

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