Dirt beak?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
Sacramento Ca
Dirty beak?
I only have 2 chickens, so I'm just trying to figure this out.
One of our chickens "Rosie" RIR, keeps her beak shinny clean. She's always wiping it off.
Our other girl "Rocky" BR, always looks like a kid at a pie eating contest. She doesn't seem to care.
Which is "normal" for chickens? Do I have a slob?,or a prissy?
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Usually my birds keep their beaks fairly clean. They will occasionally get some dirt or food on their beaks but it usually doesn't last long because they will eventually wipe their beaks on the grass and get them clean again.
My chickens usually wipe their beaks, on the ground, on my lap, on my feet, on my laptop... :lau Although sometimes if they're distracted they won't bother about the dirt on their beaks: perhaps you just have one chicken who isn't so concerned with keeping its beak spotless. :p
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You have a slob and a prissy!

It's just chickens. Some are neat and tidy and some could use some lessons in personal hygiene. If there's mud or muck or anything that our flock can get into, my DOM and EE are the first in and the very last to bother cleaning up. Everyone else is scrupulous in maintaining their appearances, though.

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