

10 Years
Feb 3, 2013
My baby chicks are about a week old. Today I introduced some dirt into the brooder because I saw a couple chicks trying to dust bathe, is this okay? I think they were scratching around and eating some of it :( Do I have to give them some chick grit now?
Hi Monique, I intentionally went out and dug up a big clump of dirt/grass out of my yard and put it in the brooder when they were a little over a week old so they could get a taste of what's to come. They will be fine with dirt in the brooder, I really believe that you don't need to necessarily give them chick grit because of that unless you are feeding them something other than chick feed which at that point they may need the grit in order to help them digest it properly. Best of luck with your new chicks:)
As long as the dirt is clean and free of any wild bird droppings should be fine. Dirt can introduce a lot of bad things for chickens let alone chicks. Their immune system s are not real strong right now. If dirt is clean they should get what they need from the dirt, food, and water. Happy chicks, happy owner!
My dirt has nothing in it but......a small worm that the chickies found! Holy Cow! I heard this huge rucus, went to investigate and found the BA with the worm and all the other chickies chasing her around the brooder. Finally the BR grabbed it and tug of war insues, it broke in two and the race was on again. Hilarious!
It is so funny with one chick gets coming like a worm or a bug. You would think they would be smart and quiet and run to a corner and gulp it down, but no! They start a champion cheep and that lets every one else know it's a goodie that can be stolen and the race is on! Love it! :cool:
I've named the BA Thelma and the BR Louis because they stick together all the time however once the competition over the worm set in, friendship was OVER! Now that all has settled they are taking a little nap together, all is forgiven :)

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