Chick Grit

Oct 11, 2023
I have three 6 week old chicks, and three 5 week old chicks. I have recently been putting them outside for about 8 hours each day, and they have access to dirt and small rocks. I was wondering if this can be used as grit, or would I have to buy grit for them. I haven’t been giving them grit, only their chick crumbles. After Halloween, I gave them some pumpkin seeds, is this okay? Should I go buy grit?
This is very controversial and I know someone will come at me over this. However, we have had our girls for 7 months now and I have never given them grit or oyster shells for that matter. Our ground is very gritty and they have plenty of access to it. I am a firm believer that chickens have survived for millennia without man giving them oyster shells or crushed granite. And might I add they will go on till the world ends without human intervention. That being said I know that there are some medical issues that do require human intervention. This is my opinion and experience alone. Someone else’s experience may be different.
As long as the small rocks they have access to are of sufficient hardness (granite vs sandstone for example) and around this size range (at 6 weeks they're in between chick and grower size), it'll suffice without you supplementing.

This is very controversial and I know someone will come at me over this. However, we have had our girls for 7 months now and I have never given them grit or oyster shells for that matter. Our ground is very gritty and they have plenty of access to it. I am a firm believer that chickens have survived for millennia without man giving them oyster shells or crushed granite. And might I add they will go on till the world ends without human intervention. That being said I know that there are some medical issues that do require human intervention. This is my opinion and experience alone. Someone else’s experience may be different.
I haven‘t given any grit to mine either. They are all full grown and healthy. 🐔

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