Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

Especially if you want to bend the thread..... PICTURES

Nobody here is discussing the ramifications and finer points of humus soil vs wet clay or that dirt and/mud could act as a sunscreen to prevent bleaching of the feathers. This is a graphical thread....

So you got me smiling with the story... Make me laugh with a picture....
What?!? No brown mud??? I wish I could share a pic but my kids despise clothing. I even have a video of them fighting over the water but, alias, not suitable for the internet.
1. Illustrating that off topic should include an illustration with an illustration.
2. Brown duck - brown mud doesn't show.
3. You should have posted a picture of Wobbles shaking his head in disgust at that thar duck wid da white mud.


Hey, he's not that kind of duck! He's about to get himself a smooth chocolate honey pie, after all!
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Hoping...first I gotta hope that it hatches, then I gotta hope it's a girl :/ The odds are stacked against me.

Ok, we will cross fingers for you. If you get a boy you will have to decide if you want him and Wobbles to be friends and never get a girl (unless you want a whole flock of diaper ducks - I would guess at LEAST 4 girls
) or if you want to re-home and try again. Did Wobbles see any ducks when he was a fuzz butt? If not he might really think he's a people and might not mate with another duck. If the other duck sees Wobbles, it will still imprint on you, but it will know it is a duck. I hope for the best...
Ok, maybe its not an actual dirty duck, but Entie has looked better...

And I swear that 4 hours ago that pool was full of fresh clean water.
She blew most of her feathers a week or two ago but I guess that one on her back didn't get the memo.
And I thought it was so nice of her to do a yoga pose so you could see all her Q-tips.
Ok, we will cross fingers for you. If you get a boy you will have to decide if you want him and Wobbles to be friends and never get a girl (unless you want a whole flock of diaper ducks - I would guess at LEAST 4 girls
) or if you want to re-home and try again. Did Wobbles see any ducks when he was a fuzz butt? If not he might really think he's a people and might not mate with another duck. If the other duck sees Wobbles, it will still imprint on you, but it will know it is a duck. I hope for the best...
@Amykins It just occurred to me that if you did end up with another drake, you could get a girl Pekin for them - no worries.
Well you will find out Tomorrow.

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