Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

I was trying to get a picture of the green on her feathers, but she wouldn't pay attention to me because mud.

Emptying the pool is the best part of the day. They're going to be so sad when I put an actual drainage system in.
I see some serious blood feathers... Brace yourself... Teenie time is a comin'...
Uh oh, am I in trouble?

Did you not have Peek and Poke as 'lings? Iam assuming no (funny we started with two Rouen girls that were no longer 'lings when we got them.)

Once ducklings turn into ducks it is like someone snuck in and replaced your ducklings with stranger ducks. They will all of a sudden act more scared of you. You just do all the things you did with Peek and Poke and they will come around. I have seen a few posts on the forum: "why do my ducks hate me", because of this. Just a duck thing...

1. Enjoy your fuzz buts - they grow fast.
2. Develop a relationship with your ducks.
3. Now you enjoy your ducks.

I am guessing in about a week or so (if not already) they will act more like wild ducks. Then you can tame them.
Did you not have Peek and Poke as 'lings? Iam assuming no (funny we started with two Rouen girls that were no longer 'lings when we got them.)

Once ducklings turn into ducks it is like someone snuck in and replaced your ducklings with stranger ducks. They will all of a sudden act more scared of you. You just do all the things you did with Peek and Poke and they will come around. I have seen a few posts on the forum: "why do my ducks hate me", because of this. Just a duck thing...

1. Enjoy your fuzz buts - they grow fast.
2. Develop a relationship with your ducks.
3. Now you enjoy your ducks.

I am guessing in about a week or so (if not already) they will act more like wild ducks. Then you can tame them.

They're definitely acting like wild ducks! They don't like me to catch them to bring them back inside, and they won't come to me when I call them. They will, however, still mob me for peas, so I have that going. Also, Mocha is FAST and can dodge better than a cat. The others are relatively easy to catch, but that one... hoo boy.

I rescued Peek and Poke as adults... they were spring ducklings, and we got them in the late fall. They weren't laying yet, but they were fully grown and relatively wild. They were never really socialized with people, so they're wary. What's funny is that when the baby girls are outside, Peek and Poke will come over and stand by me if I'm in the pen. I can't touch them, but they hang out within arms reach. Maybe they think I'll protect them from the mean little fuzzbutts that chase them all over the pen.

The littles are going to be moving out in the next day or two. We were going to finish the duck house today, but it started raining. So... tomorrow. As soon as it's done, they're moving out. They're ready. Almost completely feathered, and they LOVE it outside.
They're definitely acting like wild ducks! They don't like me to catch them to bring them back inside, and they won't come to me when I call them. They will, however, still mob me for peas, so I have that going. Also, Mocha is FAST and can dodge better than a cat. The others are relatively easy to catch, but that one... hoo boy.

I rescued Peek and Poke as adults... they were spring ducklings, and we got them in the late fall. They weren't laying yet, but they were fully grown and relatively wild. They were never really socialized with people, so they're wary. What's funny is that when the baby girls are outside, Peek and Poke will come over and stand by me if I'm in the pen. I can't touch them, but they hang out within arms reach. Maybe they think I'll protect them from the mean little fuzzbutts that chase them all over the pen.

The littles are going to be moving out in the next day or two. We were going to finish the duck house today, but it started raining. So... tomorrow. As soon as it's done, they're moving out. They're ready. Almost completely feathered, and they LOVE it outside.

So now you push their limits. Clean their nares with your thumb while they eat from your hand. Walk as close as you can when they are laying down... when they start to look uneasy, veer away so they don't actually get up. Peek and Poke will come around too. I go out in the yard and read and sometimes they explore me. They are bolder when it is their idea. They may chest bump you... The dreaded duck attack of assault with a fluffy weapon. They just want to see if you fight back. This is usually preceded by the "I am crazy and have no idea what i might do" head vibration.:lau
So now you push their limits. Clean their nares with your thumb while they eat from your hand. Walk as close as you can when they are laying down... when they start to look uneasy, veer away so they don't actually get up. Peek and Poke will come around too. I go out in the yard and read and sometimes they explore me. They are bolder when it is their idea. They may chest bump you... The dreaded duck attack of assault with a fluffy weapon. They just want to see if you fight back. This is usually preceded by the "I am crazy and have no idea what i might do" head vibration.


Now that the weather is warmer, I plan on putting a chair out in the duck pen so I can hang out there with them when I'm taking breaks from work. I work from home, so it's a great excuse to get off the computer for a while.
So now you push their limits. Clean their nares with your thumb while they eat from your hand. Walk as close as you can when they are laying down... when they start to look uneasy, veer away so they don't actually get up. Peek and Poke will come around too. I go out in the yard and read and sometimes they explore me. They are bolder when it is their idea. They may chest bump you... The dreaded duck attack of assault with a fluffy weapon. They just want to see if you fight back. This is usually preceded by the "I am crazy and have no idea what i might do" head vibration.

I love your description of the head vibration!

Now that the weather is warmer, I plan on putting a chair out in the duck pen so I can hang out there with them when I'm taking breaks from work. I work from home, so it's a great excuse to get off the computer for a while.

And a fold down table with an outlet in range of your wifi so you can take a laptop out and have the perfect excuse to be interrupted occasionally... peck, peck.

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