Dirty eggs - what do I do???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 15, 2012
Ok, so my clumsy silkie has broken two of the eggs she has been sitting on in the past two days. She still has six eggs under her but the problem is these eggs are now covered in yolk etc. The eggs are now at about day 12. I'm not sure what to do as I've read that dirty eggs won't hatch well, but I've also read that you shouldn't clean eggs. And it's not even like poo that can kind of be flaked off a bit so I'm not sure how clean I'd be able to get them anyway. Do I just leave the eggs and hope for the best - I'm sure this sort of thing happens in nature! Any advice would be apprecited - this is my first time hatching eggs and it is STRESSFUL!
I would leave them and hope for the best, I wouldn't risk washing them, yolk can be like glue, really hard to wash off and I'd be afraid of the temp. messing with them when washing or the bloom getting washed off and some sort of bacteria getting into the developing eggs
oh and
and good luck with your first hatch!
Ok, so my clumsy silkie has broken two of the eggs she has been sitting on in the past two days. She still has six eggs under her but the problem is these eggs are now covered in yolk etc. The eggs are now at about day 12. I'm not sure what to do as I've read that dirty eggs won't hatch well, but I've also read that you shouldn't clean eggs. And it's not even like poo that can kind of be flaked off a bit so I'm not sure how clean I'd be able to get them anyway. Do I just leave the eggs and hope for the best - I'm sure this sort of thing happens in nature! Any advice would be apprecited - this is my first time hatching eggs and it is STRESSFUL!
gently wipe off the eggs with warm water and a soft rag of some sort that dosent scratch DO NOT SCRUB this can take of the important protective coating on the egg thos letting bacteria in, when this happens never let them be i have and a lot of the eggs grew mold in yhe inside and lost some chicks even had to open eggs up and take the mold out trust me if u get them washed now it will save u a lot of stress in the future
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I would leave them and hope for the best, I wouldn't risk washing them, yolk can be like glue, really hard to wash off and I'd be afraid of the temp. messing with them when washing or the bloom getting washed off and some sort of bacteria getting into the developing eggs
u do have a point but once u have mold in the eggs u want 2 try everything u can to make sure u dont ever get it again. i cried for hours watching the poor babies gasp for air and not knowing how to help.when they r in the eggs they die a slow death cuz the mold slowly starts to go into the chicks lungs and stuff.if it were just poop i would agree but i dont ever want anyone eklse to experience what i did
Since it's a bit of a debate, I would like to share my opinion. I personally would wipe them down with warm water. It won't really affect the eggs, and wiping them has proved to save them in my case. I have tried both ways. When I left them be, many of them died (not from mold, but from bacteria and lack of pores). When I cleaned them, all but one hatched. I realize there are other factors, but I also always clean my incubator eggs from the start and get 95% hatch rates. If you are questioning whether to clean them for the start, thats really deabtable and people should just do what they feel is right. But since these eggs are literally covered in other egg contents (blocking pores) I would definately clean them. Might I add, I did scrub too. You should make sure you get close to all of the yolk off. You will also want to change the nesting material, and if it's really bad, wash the hens underside and give it a quick blow dry. Just try to have the egg back underneath of her within 20 minutes.
Since it's a bit of a debate, I would like to share my opinion. I personally would wipe them down with warm water. It won't really affect the eggs, and wiping them has proved to save them in my case. I have tried both ways. When I left them be, many of them died (not from mold, but from bacteria and lack of pores). When I cleaned them, all but one hatched. I realize there are other factors, but I also always clean my incubator eggs from the start and get 95% hatch rates. If you are questioning whether to clean them for the start, thats really deabtable and people should just do what they feel is right. But since these eggs are literally covered in other egg contents (blocking pores) I would definately clean them. Might I add, I did scrub too. You should make sure you get close to all of the yolk off. You will also want to change the nesting material, and if it's really bad, wash the hens underside and give it a quick blow dry. Just try to have the egg back underneath of her within 20 minutes.
i have scrubed before 2 got 6 out of 7 but i didnt want to say to because most sources say not to i have heard that hatcheries put he eggs in buckets of warm water, u can do that to get the humidity up fast

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