Disappeared without a trace

I have a big orpington rooster and twice I've seen him attack a red tail hawk that was attempting to take a hen...he sent it away and saved the flock both times
We have chickens that can fly over our 5 1/2 ft fence, so it's possible that it flew over.
You better clip wing feathers...
Today somewhere between 12 -3pm two of my seven chickens(8 mo old) disappeared without a trace. They were both molting so I would think if anything was to grab them there would be feathers everywhere however no feathers were found. There is no way they could get out of their enclosure. Its 4 ft high. Its a mystery to me. I have looked all over for them. ???????
All 5 of my girls can easily fly over a 4 foot fence. Sorry about your two who probably did....better look for em and hope they have not been taken by predator.
Today somewhere between 12 -3pm two of my seven chickens(8 mo old) disappeared without a trace. They were both molting so I would think if anything was to grab them there would be feathers everywhere however no feathers were found. There is no way they could get out of their enclosure. Its 4 ft high. Its a mystery to me. I have looked all over for them. ???????

Probably Hawks or owls
These kind of mysteries can drive you nuts. Since two are missing with no feathers left behind, I wouldn't suspect a predator carried them both off. There would have been signs of a disturbance. My bet (if you're certain it wasn't a 2-legged thief) is that they escaped and then maybe something got them on the outside. Even my heaviest bird breeds are able to get out of my fencing. They even get over after clipping their wings if they try hard enough.
We have one who CLIMBS. Perla hangs on the wire and climbs up to the roof if she doesn't want to fly (and the roof is 2.5 m high!). So anything is possible....
Two of ours flew to the top of, then over our 6 foot fence into our neighbor's yard. Luckily their dog was put up. We had to go get them when we realized they were there at sundown. They had bedded down under a bush. At first it seemed like they had disappeared without a trace and I worried something had gotten them, but it turned out they just went exploring together.

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