Discussion: Where do you put your brooder, and why?

Where- the sitting room. Why- because She Who Must Be Obeyed thought it a good idea.

This is not a good idea.
I brood in the living room in a dog playpen.
The mess is minimal if done correctly and the chicks bond to me first so that makes integration later easier since pretty much all the chickens out there were done this way .:)
Could you elaborate on "if done correctly"? How is it that you manage to keep the dust to a minimum?
We brooded in a bathroom and NEVER AGAIN. I think a lot depends on number of chickens. 3? Might be ok in house. 16? BAD IDEA. I moved to coop (first flock) with heat plate pretty early (26 days) but still never again, the tiny feather dust.

I’d brood in coop with heat plate next time.
I brood in the living room in a dog playpen.
The mess is minimal if done correctly and the chicks bond to me first so that makes integration later easier since pretty much all the chickens out there were done this way .:)
Ah so glad to see this, was starting to feel like a freak. We have a larger brooder box in the corner of our large living room. They’re 4 weeks now. They are outside all day. Our weather in Scotland is currently atrocious at the moment. I am truly loving having them in the house. There’s only 3 and it seems must fine. Maybe as they are outside all day. These chicks are definitely bonded to me and are so not afraid of my dog.
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I'm lucky enough to have some amazing broody hens to raise chicks for me so I added a 4'x8' addition to my coop and fenced in a very secure new separate run for the hen and chicks. It has worked great!!! The chicks blend right into the flock at about 4 weeks old and their momma hen is still protective enough that there's no danger. The hens take the chicks out to the run on the second or third day and they are outside everyday after that. I think it makes them a lot stronger and they grow so well. It sure beats raising them in the house! Plus, in the winter when there are no new chicks, the brooder provides additional floor space for the flock on really bad days. Adding the brooder to the coop has been one of the best changes I have made so far!:thumbsup
I forgot to add, you should try black Australorps! They are so mellow and lay like crazy. I have two that are coming up on 4 years old and still laying 5-7 eggs a week! They are by far my favorite breed for laying ability, temperament and some of them make really great broody hens. I will always have Australorps in my flock.
I put down a tarp in the office with the brooder on top. Dust is definitely an issue as is the smell. The brooder is a big cardboard box (a dress box from U-haul)with hardwire on top. I put small pine shavings in the brooder and change it out as necessary. Weekly at first ( I usually only have 6 chicks at a time), the bi weekly as they age. By the time the smell gets too much with the bi weekly changes, it is time for them to go outside to a "baby enclosure". They live in there for a couple of weeks until old enough to free range with plenty of places to hide from the big girls when necessary. Usually they join the big girls in the coop when they decide to sleep in there themselves. I have only had one group of chicks that had to be "encouraged" to go sleep in the big girl coop.

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