Dislocated Beak

amber mist

Jun 14, 2017
My 2.5 month old Cuckoo Maran jumped/flew out of the coop and crash landed. She appears to have dislocated her jaw in her messy landing. She now looks like she has scissor beak. Has anyone ever successfully reset a chicken jaw? If yes, how. If no, what did you do? How long did the bird live. She is trying to eat and drink but does not appear very successful.
Not sure about how one would go about fixing this, but I can tell you to try soaking her feed in water...it may be easier for her to scoop some up that way.
There is a thread regarding cross beak chickens and their caregivers. Some believe if you pile up the food in a dish, they have a better chance of actually
grabbing some.
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice and links already so I'll just say hello!

All the best


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