Distracting a rooster from crowing?


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
I have three roos who are just starting to crow, and I live in a suburb. My neighborhood doesn't have any rules, and neither does my town. The only trouble I could run into is if my roosters break a noise ordinance, and then I think I would get a warning before anything bad happened, hopefully.

I know roosters naturally crow, and there's not much you can do to stop it if you want to have them free ranging in your yard with the flock, but is it possible to distract them?

My big Brahma roo has just started crowing the past few days. (It seems like he won't let the other two crow, he pecks them when they try!?!) Whenever I hear him start up, I've been throwing scratch out at him and he stops right away. Is this a bad plan? I don't want to teach him to crow for treats, but when it's dead silent outside and all the entire neighborhood can hear is crowing I have to do something! The only kink in my plan is what might happen if he starts crowing his head off when we're not home.

Does anyone else have experience with keeping roosters in a city? I plan to bribe my neighbors with eggs, but some neighbors I won't be able to get to, like the ones that are diagonal to my backyard on either side with privacy fences...
I was sitting here giggling at your post because my husband sits here and can't wait for Ricky, (our rooster) to start crowing! LOL Recently someone had free roosters on Craigslist and my husband attempted to get them. Thankfully someone else took them.

He's like a kid at Christmas!

I don't think there's any way for you to stop them though.

Good luck


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