Distress peeps while holding one


8 Years
Mar 16, 2012
Parker, CO
I have 4 chicks and have been trying to take my chicks out at least once a day to hold each one for a little while to get them used to me. All is fine and well until I get to my Australorp who is the only dark colored one. When I take her out, the other chicks start peeping very loudly! They are so worried she is missing. What's weird is that they don't do it when I hold any of the others. I thought maybe it was because she was dark and she was easier to notice she was gone so I put in a small black teddy bear in thinking they might not notice so much. They were too smart for that. They are 4 weeks old now and still stress out about it. I know, soon enough they are going to be outside in their run and that won't be an issue anymore, but I'm curious if anyone else has ever experienced that.
They will probably get over it as they get older. It may be that she is the "leader of the pack" so they feel less secure without her.

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