distressed hen, trouble breathing with somethin in her mouth

Well, I let the birds free roam during the day. Their water dish is inside their run/coop. They also tend to drink other water around (For dogs, etc). I've bleached their stuff and left a few drops of bleach in their water dish. I've ordered the canker medicine mentioned above and I've separated the one hen. I'll post updates as we go through the treatment process. My main concern is that the medicine get here before things get too much worse.
Ok, so the metronidazole finally arrived and I will begin treatment with that. I called First Vet and asked them about it a few days ago (checking on status) and they suggested that I could treat the canker with iodine 2x a day swabbing the growth with a q-tip. This has helped quite a bit, as the hen has been eating and drinking after a day or two of treatment. For the tablets, do you serve them with cooked or raw eggs to the chickens?
You want to scramble the eggs before feeding them to your girl. Feeding her raw eggs could cause her to develope a taste for her own eggs. Let the eggs cool for a bit before adding the meds. Not only could the heat reduce the effectiveness of the meds, but you don't want her to have to deal with a burned tongue on top of all her other problems. That could really ruin her day!

I hope she continues to improve rapidly!

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