Dixie Chicks

Thank you amberjem. Wow somebody had luck batching marans. They won't hatch for us. Did you dry hatch them?
I also do dry hatch... but really just super low humidity... however, this last time I had to add water to keep the humidity at about 25% too much wood stove heat I guess.

Everything that was fertile hatched and was super healthy, except for the 4 super dirty eggs that I set.. those all died

I did have one with slightly curled toes, but after wearing a toe straightener brace for a couple days I can no longer tell which one he was.

At the end I up humidity to 60% plus... it pops up to 75% ish when chicks start hatching... all good.

Quote: me too... NON medicated
Yeah, lived on a cattle farm when I was married, & the grandson is luckily getting that exposure thru my son & ex-husband, but I give him other aspects of it. My son says he's so happy I have the animals...he escapes the caring & paying for them lol but his son still gets to be around & experience it. He loves helping gather eggs. Literally one of his first words was vocalizing a rooster crowing. Even now, he doesn't identify animals by name, but rather by the sound they make. I've been working on teaching names for a while, but he's a lil stuck in his way lol.
Welcome jldward!

My granddaughter, when she was two, called my chickens "Caw-Coos" because of the cockadoodledoos she heard. Now she's four and she calls them by their individuals names!
She is all about helping with the chickens whenever she visits.

Which means I need to kill my single comb hens, or put them in a different area so that I don't accidentally incubate their eggs...

Put them in with a dark egg laying breed. That way you'll have eating eggs and not have to worry if you are incubating single combers!

CHEEP and WIGGLES! phew!

Edited to add its black, pretty chirping, and I am gonna leave it be. ::sits on hands::
Yay, for the chick!!

Hello @buddy phoenix
I wish chick! The cheep and wiggles was in response to my literally picking up the Brinsea Mini Advance and giving it a gentile come to mamma shake. Nothing since. I set the egg Feb. 1 at 2:30 and it pipped Feb. 21 at 2:30. So, question....is that not twenty days? It is not due until tomorrow. I keep telling myself all is well. The shell is rather porous and was easy to see through. For the FIRST time ever, I saw its heartbeat at day 7, and also very clearly saw its beak poked up (pretty as a text book picture) in the good sized air sac at day 19. I just am in the hard to wait period.

Thanks for all the hand holding ,guys.
I wish chick! The cheep and wiggles was in response to my literally picking up the Brinsea Mini Advance and giving it a gentile come to mamma shake. Nothing since. I set the egg Feb. 1 at 2:30 and it pipped Feb. 21 at 2:30. So, question....is that not twenty days? It is not due until tomorrow. I keep telling myself all is well. The shell is rather porous and was easy to see through. For the FIRST time ever, I saw its heartbeat at day 7, and also very clearly saw its beak poked up (pretty as a text book picture) in the good sized air sac at day 19. I just am in the hard to wait period.

Thanks for all the hand holding ,guys.

actually the day you set is day zero so the next day you start your count to 21 days and depending on the egg could hatch as much as day 23...

HE HATCHED!!! I was writing a note on Alaskan's blog and heard cheaping. He is not a minute old. OH JOY

Edited to add....OMG it could be a pure bred orp!! It is the right color...huge legs and feet with black shanks....sure looks like an ORP to me....well I know it is half orp.

it looks really good, but pretty wet. I am just beside myself.

Feet are white on bottom as should be...neck is a little long for an English Orp. Oh my oh my I am blessed.
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