****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

I made my waterer with a 5 gal bucket and lid, used 4 nipples on the bottom, and added a small fishtank heater inside a large pickle jar that was filled with water, then placed the jar inside the bucket. Heater was only like $8 at Walmart, the jar I just had lying around. And even if water runs low, heater is inside a jar filled with water, so it won't melt the plastic bucket. Had temps down in the single digits, and no problems yet. I'll see if I can get a pic tomorrow.

My original idea for a watering system had aquarium heater(s) in large PVC pipe with nipples, attached to a cooler and a circulating pump. Unfortunately, my experience with aquarium heaters shows them to be somewhat unreliable, and prone to internal leaks. I may revisit the concept using a bird bath heater in the cooler, but at this point it seems overly complicated, since the bucket/heater combo works so well.
Just made one myself. Changed it up a little by cutting a half moon shape out of a cap where they feed from to reduce mess. Plus I used a 45 to bring the fill cap outside the coop for easy refill.

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Well, I got all my pieces in order, I just have to cut a 3" hole in my wall. I am using a 3" 5 foot PVC on the exterior, coming in at a "J" and then running 2 foot 3" PVC horizontally in both directions. I am going to cut a trench on each and glue on the end caps as a stop. This way they can peck at the junctions to allow more feed to come down.
I've been looking for a good mess resistant scooper to fill my 3" pipe feeder. I didn't have much luck finding one that allowed me to ad any quantity at one time.
So I cut a short length of leftover 3" pipe, removed a U shaped section from one end then used a heat gun to mold it to fit into the end of my feeder.





Now I have a non spill scooper that allows me to fill my feeder without trying to pour a bag of feed into the feeder or filling it up one small scoop at a time. :)
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I cut the bottom off a 1/2 gallon milk jug at an angle, leaving the handle on. With the cap on, it is a scoop. With it off, it's a funnel.
When the feed bag gets low enough, I just lift it up and pour it in the top of the tube.

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