DIY Stickies Request


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
N/E of Richmond, VA
I have noticed a number of handy people posting DIY projects that get lost over time as new threads are created. I think it would be great if there was a sticky or series of stickies (perhaps one for coops and one for handy farm solutions, etc) for members to post their DIY projects in. The initial post in the stickied thread could be updated regularly to act as a sort of table of contents for the thread, indicating what projects have been listed and what post they are in.

Thanks for a great forum, btw!
Do It Yourself (DIY)
HAHA... I thought you were requesting that members be allowed to sticky their own threads!!! Can you imagine if we allowed members to sticky topics... 80% of the forum threads would be stickied!

I think it is a good idea! Most of the sections of the forum have stickies that the staff can add to. I suggest clicking the "report" link on threads you think should be added to the stickies or FAQs.
In addition to adding great information to stickies, some of these discussions with excellent photos would be ideal for "My Page" links. This is a great opportunity to pull together details of a specific subject or project and create a page about it. Any member can do this and have fun with it. These can be added to the main site or linked right within your signature.

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