DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

Trying to figure out how to make the little door that the chickens go from the coop to the run. I have an aluminum 4x6 shed out into a 18x18 run. Planning on doing DLM, but what do people do with the litter when time to clean out and replace? How far off the door should roosts be set? Any need of a walkway up to them or the nests? (mine are about 2-2 1/2 feet of the floor )
audiomilk when you make the pop door (or any door or opening), make sure to leave a "lip" of about 4 inches, so that the litter does not get pushed out. When I clean out the coops, the litter goes into my compost pile.

I don't have ramps up to my roosts, except in the coop where the roosts are too close to the ceiling for the chickens to comfortably fly up and get situated. I do have a sort of perch that runs along the front of the nest boxes so that the hens can see if a nest is occupied, or stroll along and pick the nest they like best, lol.

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I found a really rough looking chicken coop on Craigslist for $35. I was willing to put the work into fixing it up, so i got it! We replaced almost all of the wood, I added some plywood on the sides to keep the rain out, i painted it, added doors, new hinges, new chicken wire, and made 2 ladders. One that goes from the ground to the first level, another that goes from the first level to the second. When i bought it, it was a 2 story coop, but the levels were separated. i cut the chicken wire that separated the levels and added a ladder so that they can use the entire thing.

My goats like the coop just as much as my chickens!


I asked my husband to make me a turkey nest. He built this using an old Whiskey barrel and 2"x4" boards for the cradle.

I feed FF and use second hand mud pans with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. My husband built a holder using scrap boards for three pans. I can pop them out for cleaning very easily.
love this, wish I could get some of those barrels but they cost a fortune up here!!!
I asked my husband to make me a turkey nest. He built this using an old Whiskey barrel and 2"x4" boards for the cradle. I feed FF and use second hand mud pans with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. My husband built a holder using scrap boards for three pans. I can pop them out for cleaning very easily.
Hi from Maine! Great ideas I use similar feeders under south facing lean to solar tunnel. Works awsome one with water never freezes I empty it a night, cover feed, close the ladies in and never any thieves or ice blocks in waterer. Great post thanks for the inventions;)
I found a really rough looking chicken coop on Craigslist for $35. I was willing to put the work into fixing it up, so i got it! We replaced almost all of the wood, I added some plywood on the sides to keep the rain out, i painted it, added doors, new hinges, new chicken wire, and made 2 ladders. One that goes from the ground to the first level, another that goes from the first level to the second. When i bought it, it was a 2 story coop, but the levels were separated. i cut the chicken wire that separated the levels and added a ladder so that they can use the entire thing. My goats like the coop just as much as my chickens!
Great repurpose my coop started out as treeless tree house! Not pretty made of job site scrap looks shabby but ladies love it. Yours is much cuter but similar. Didn't catch your location, noticed open air design?
I love this Thread! My husband builds all kinds of stuff for me and I feel very lucky to be married to such a smart guy

I have these poop troughs in 2 of my bigger coops. They work so well and keep my coops clean for a long time. They have doors that I just park a wheelbarrow under outside the coop and push the poo out.


Some nesting boxes he made me for my BLRW coop

Some awesome feeders that hold 80 pounds of feed so I don't have to feed more then once a week. And the small one is for grit and oyster shell. I have a bunch of these type if feeders in all my coops

Heres the big one full of feed. I purchase locally made feed that comes in 80 pound bags so thats why he makes them this size, he even makes the bottom tapered so that the feed slides up.

Here he is making me another BIG coop a few summers ago.

Heres a latch that he made for my coop doors on my smaller breeder coop condo. Its hammered copper pipe that he brought home (free) and a BIG huge screw he also uses at work, and he ended up getting ride of the white pull handle an making a copper one to match. I should take a photo of the finished product its really nice looking! Almost a little to nice for chickens!!

Heres a chick brooder he made for me

And he put it on wheels so its easy to move.. I now hatch to many chicks for it so hes made me a bunch of different brooders using rabbit cages.

Theres so much more that hes made around here. He loves to make things for free and out of crazy stuff or build me something when we can't afford to buy it.
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